CBS has released the official episode press release for the series finale of Criminal Minds. The two part series finale episodes are titled “Face Off ” & “And in the End”.
Synopsis for the “Face Off” Episode,
It has been a year since Rossi nearly died at the hands of Everett Lynch, a.k.a. “The Chameleon,” and he has developed some new theories, with inspiration from his former partner, Jason Gideon (Ben Savage). The BAU team sets out on an epic hunt to capture Lynch.
Synopsis for the “And in the End” Episode,
Following an explosive face-to-face encounter with Everett Lynch, a.k.a. “The Chameleon,” Dr. Reid suffers from a brain injury and, while experiencing hallucinations, is visited by ghosts from his past. Also, the BAU makes a shocking discovery about Lynch that affects Rossi personally, and the entire BAU team comes together to celebrate Rossi’s retirement.
The series finale of Criminal Minds airs on February 19 at 9|8c on CBS.